Bath Bombs
Please note the following facts about bath bombs:
- Bath bombs are meant to be a bathing experience, not meant for cleansing or as a substitute for a standard shower.
- If the tub isn't completely clean before your bath, using a bath bomb will cause the fragrance, colors and oils to excessively stick to the sides of your tub. It's best to start with a clean bath tub which will make after bath clean up faster
- A bath bomb that contains oil WILL leave oil behind. You will need to wipe down the inside of your tub after using a bath bomb. Again, it has oils and is meant to be an experience, not meant to be cleansing!
- A bath with a bath bomb does not replace taking a shower. It is meant for relaxing and/or enjoying the bath bomb experience. You will likely still need to rinse yourself and your bath tub down after soaking.
It's very important that you understand the purpose of a bath bomb and what to expect before using one.