DISINFECTING While our All Purpose Cleaner is effective in removing germs, additional steps can be taken to disinfect when necessary. After using our All Purpose Cleaner (1) use vinegar to spray, 2-5 minute dwell, wipe surface then (2) spray surface with hydrogen peroxide then air dry.
COVID-19: Because of the extreme viral strains we are all dealing with at this time, you should be doing extra disinfecting/sanitizing using EPA and/or CDC suggested methods. We suggest bleach diluted down to 1 part bleach and 50 parts water in a spray bottle or 70% or higher alcohol in a spray bottle.
TIME FOR A REFILL? The All Purpose Cleaner has fill lines so you know how much of the All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate is needed to make a new bottle. Fill to line 1 with water. Fill to line 2 with All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate. Top off with water and shake to mix. It is suggested that you use distilled water to help eliminate water stains on surfaces.
WANT TO ADD SCENT TO YOUR ALL PURPOSE CLEANER? You can easily add a few drops of essential oils to the product to give it a nice aroma.
USE YOUR OWN BOTTLE Prefer to use glass? Want a different size? A variety of cleaning solutions can be created from this concentrate!
All Purpose Cleaner - 1 part Concentrate to 9 parts water.
Glass Cleaner - 3 drops Concentrate in 16 ounces of distilled water.
Fruit and Veggie Cleaner - 1 teaspoon Concentrate in a gallon of water. Let produce soak, rinse and pat dry. For larger quantites, try 1 tablespoon in a full sink of water.
Bathroom Cleaning - Need extra scrubbing and cleaning action? Pair our All Purpose Cleaner with the Oxygen Scrubbing Powder. (coming soon)